書巴里‧以使馬哈善(Subali Ismahasan),現年27歲,出生於台灣高雄南沙魯部落的布農族。
Subali Ismahasan, 27, was born to the Bunun Nation in Nansharu community, Kaohsiung Taiwan.
In 2009, the devastating typhoon Morakot not only has taken Subali’s father and relatives, it also has swept off most of the community and dramatically changed the local eco-system and life style. At the age of 18, Subali has witnessed the grownups grappling with resources and grimacing in pain; on the other hand, he has also come to realize that one would sacrifice for family unconditionally. Each one has his or her moment; likewise, one cannot always lament. On his enlightening journey, if not were the consideration of his family, he would have taken his own life; he also grew insight to see the world is replenished with love; it is beyond time-space. Whatever comes from love is splendid; yet, at a price that may not always be worthy.
Subali believes that by all means as long as one remains happy, it is the essential meaning of being alive. Hence, through Subali’s artworks, he hopes to deliver the notion of a happy life to those open-minded and who are willing to embrace happiness.
The quality of exquisiteness in Subali’s work seems to transform his trauma, sentiment and enlightenment into cluster of dots creating a visionary sensation; to turn the dynamic of the healing process into an insightful code of happiness for everyone.
「走路鳥稍微畫個展」 , 桃園市原住民族文化會館
「稍微畫個展」個展 , 高雄那瑪夏文物館
ART TAINAN 台南藝術博覽會,TICA 台北原住民當代藝術中心,台南大億麗緻
►「看見」 , 桃園市原住民族文化會館
►「藝界中心」 , 台北原民生活美學館
►「重生與豐收:2016 年自然原生藝術巡迴展Ⅱ」 , SMOR GAFE
►「《原粹》原住民藝術家聯展」 , 行政院新莊聯合辦公大樓
►「105 年原民日族群風情特展」 , 台中市政府
►「重生與豐收:2016 年自然原生藝術巡迴展」 , 台北HOME HOTEL 大安館
►「港都國際藝術博覽會」 , 高雄展覽館
►「山海薈萃」, TICA 台北原住民當代藝術中心
►「台南藝術博覽會」, 台南大億麗緻酒店
►「好野!看見未來」素人藝術家聯展 , 新北市原住民族委員會展示廳