優席夫 阿美族血統,出生於花蓮玉里的原住民部落〜馬泰林村,目前定居於英國藝術之都〜愛丁堡。已有多年在當地知名國際藝術節參展的資歷,是目前少數在歐洲以原住民為主題推動台灣文化,並成功發展的原住民藝術家。
優席夫 阿美族血統,出生於花蓮玉里的原住民部落〜馬泰林村,目前定居於英國藝術之都〜愛丁堡。已有多年在當地知名國際藝術節參展的資歷,是目前少數在歐洲以原住民為主題推動台灣文化,並成功發展的原住民藝術家。
優席夫是台北國際藝術博覽會受邀參展之藝術家,同時也是桃園國際機場展之受邀者,他致力用藝術推廣美學教育,曾受知名企業人士嚴長壽先生之邀約,擔任偏鄉藝術夏令營的啟發任務,他連續兩度受邀在TEDx Taipei 演講,並在許多校園教導創作與啟發年輕人,推廣藝術與文化不遺餘力,使大眾能更深的了解台灣原住民,近期創作活動包括 (唱片封面、電影宣傳主視覺創作,與跨界時尚合作優席夫潮T之設計),同時作品也受台灣萊雅時尚品牌合作邀請,在杜拜發表國際髪藝走秀的主視覺牆上。
Yosifu was born in the village of Matailing, Taiwan and belongs to the Amis tribe of indigenous people found in the east of the island. He now lives and works main in Edinburgh in Scotland, and has exhibited successfully in both Europe and Asia. He is one of only a very few artists promoting Taiwan indigenous culture in Europe.
Yosifu's varied creative talents encompass music, photography and painting. His bright vibrant style has its roots in indigenous and naive forms of artwork and is a fusion of Western and Asian styles and techniques. He focuses on the strong use of colours to dramatic effect, with a simple facade often hiding more serious observations or social commentary. His work has become popular internationally, and is currently held by private collectors from Scotland, England, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Sweden.
Yosifu has been an invited artist to exhibit at Art Taipei International Art Fair, as well as at Taipei International Airport. He is deeply committed to using art as an educational tool, and has been invited to teach at the prestigious Stanley Yen Cultural Foundation Art Summer School and twice to speak at TEDx Taipei. He has held workshops and lectures at several schools and universities to inspire the younger generations, and to promote art and the culture and increase awareness and understanding of the indigenous tribes of Taiwan. Recent projects include commissioned artwork for an album cover, the creation of the main image for a movie poster, a collaboration with designers for a special line of Yosifu clothing featuring his artwork, and providing the stage backdrop for the L'Oréal hair show in Dubai.
2015年12月 MAKAPAH 藝術獎中正紀念堂藝術聯展
2015 年12月那裡有光-個展台中基礎實驗藝文空間
2015 年12月花蓮文化局石雕館 - 優席夫 "大地之愛"個展與時尚走秀
2015 年11月 台東國際衝浪公開賽-藝術與運動的結合-記者會
2015 年11月台東生活美學館優席夫快樂畫-師生聯展
2015 年10月台北原民風味館 - 優席夫經典版畫特展 回歸自然
2015 年6月 Let's Dance "來跳舞" 個展「優席夫新美學空間」台北金山南路
2015 年4月 花蓮東海岸國家公園石梯灣118精品民宿,灰盒子美展
2015 年4月花蓮東海岸國家公園-緩慢精品民宿美展
2015 年4 月 陶甕百合的春天原民主題餐廳 ,花蓮靜浦部落美展2014 年12 月 / 受邀華山藝文中心Marula 藝術Art'ery個展
2014 年10 月 / Our World國際藝術家聯展 優席夫新美學空間 台北
2014 年9 月 /受邀華山藝文中心" 華文朗讀節 " 特展
2014 年5 月 / 受邀行政院原民會臺灣原住民族藝術展「大地的聲音」個展
2014 年5 月 / Blue Diamond 藍色鑽石個展 優席夫新美學空間 台北
2013 年8 月 / 受邀愛丁堡國際藝術節個展於 Dance Base 英國皇家舞蹈學院愛丁堡推廣分院
2013 年8 月 / 受邀桃園國際機場個展
2013 年2 月 / AHAF亞洲飯店藝術博覽會 文華 東方酒店 香港
2012年11月 - 受邀松菸文化園區PULIMA 藝術獎展覽
2012 年10 月 / 台北國際藝術博覽會 台北
2012 年9 月 / 台灣國際文創博覽會 台北
2012 年2 月 / 太平洋建設之TOD 聯合美展 台北
2011 年12 月 / 米靈岸神話音樂劇美展 台北華山藝文中心
2011 年10 月 / 「異象.藝象」青年藝術家聯展 國父紀念館 台北
2011 年8 月 / 誠品藝廊 台東個展
2010 年12 月~1011 年12 月/ 澳盛銀行台北敦南、八德路口都市美化工程戶外師生美展
2010 年11 月 / 愛丁堡Axolotle 藝廊聯展
2010 年5 月 - 倫敦 伊斯靈頓區坎帝藝廊聯展
2010 年 1 月- 維多利亞藝廊,愛丁堡聯展
2009 年8 月 / 金車(MR Brown) 文藝中心-台北館個展
2009 年5 月 / 北投 凱達格蘭文化館個展
2009 年5 月 / 台北 38 義大利高級餐廳個展
2009 年2 月 / 愛丁堡 重點藝術區丹達斯藝廊個展
2008 年11月 / 愛丁堡 拉坎堤那餐廳個展
2008年10 月 / 愛丁堡 馬首博波頓劇院藝廊聯展
2008 年 9 月 / 中印藝廊「美麗在說話」個展
2008 年8 月 / 愛丁堡 悅石藝廊個展
2008 年3月 / 愛丁堡 麗士髮型藝術沙龍個展
2008 年3 月 / 愛丁堡 純萃蘇格蘭藝廊個展
2008 年2 月 / 愛丁堡重點藝術區 丹達斯藝廊個展
2007 年11 月 / 愛丁堡莎拉咖啡館 畫作兼攝影個展
2007 年10 月 / 愛丁堡馬戲團高級餐廳 畫作兼攝影個展
2007 年9 月 / 愛丁堡聖瑪莉大教堂藝廊 畫作兼攝影聯展
2007 年8 月 / 愛丁堡國際藝術節 卡蜜諾咖啡藝廊畫作個展
2007 年8 月/ 愛丁堡國際藝術節-皇家醫學院藝術聯展
2006 年8 月 / 愛丁堡國際藝術節-皇家醫學院藝術聯展
2005 年8 月/ 愛丁堡國際藝術節海洋航廈青年聯展
2015 Dec - Makapah Art Award mixed exhibition, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei
2015 Dec - solo exhibition "There is Light" of original works and prints at Basic Experimental Art Space, Taichung
2015 Dec - Hualien Stone Sculptural Museum "The Love of the Earth" - original works by Yosifu
2015 Nov - "Art & Sport" - Press Conference for opening of Taiwan international surfing competition, Taitung. Taiwan
2015 Nov - National Taitung Living Art Centre - Exhibition of original works by Yosifu and his students
2015 Oct - Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Centre - "Return to Innocent" - prints of classic artwork by Yosifu
2015 Jun - "Let's Dance” solo exhibition at Yosifu Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Apr - 118 Hotel solo exhibition, Hualien County East Coast National Park, Taiwan
2015 Apr - Adagio Hotel solo exhibition, Hualien County East Coast National Park, Taiwan
2015 Apr - "Earthenware Pots of Lilies in the Spring" Indigenous restaurant solo exhibition, Jin Pu Village, Hualien
2015 Jan - Marula Art’ery solo exhibition, Huashan Cutural Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Oct - "Our World” mixed exhibition showing work by invited international artists at Yosifu Art Space, Taipei
2014 Sep - Chinese Cultural Poetry Festival Exhibition invited artist mixed exhibition, Huashan Cultural Park, Taipei
2014 May - "The Voice of the Earth” solo exhibition at Council of Indigenous Peoples gallery, Taipei
2014 May - "Blue Diamond” solo exhibition at Yosifu Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Aug - Dance Base solo exhibition, Grassmarket, Edinburgh, Scotland
2013 Aug - Tao Yuan International Airport invited artist solo exhibition, Taiwan
2013 Feb - Asia Hotel Art Fair (AHAF) mixed exhibition, Hong Kong
2012 Nov - PULIMA art award mixed exhibition, Song Yen Cultural Art Park, Taipei
2012 Oct - Art Taipei international art fair invited artist, World Trade Centre, Taipei
2012 Sep - Taiwan International Cultural and Art Product fair mixed exhibitors, Nan Gang Cultural and Art Park, Taipei
2012 Feb - Sogo Building Company (TOD) mixed exhibition, Taipei
2011 Dec - Miling’An indigenous musical solo exhibition, Huashan Cutural Park, Taipei
2011 Oct - Vision young artists mixed exhibition, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2011 Aug - Eslite Gallery solo exhibition, Taitung, Taiwan
2010 Dec - ANZ Bank Outdoor Urban Beautification Project Exhibition, Taipei
2010 Nov - Axolotle Gallery mixed exhibition, Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2010 May - Candid Art Gallery mixed exhibition, Islington, London, UK
2010 Jan - Victoria Art Gallery mixed exhibition, Victoria Street, Edinburgh Scotland
2009 Aug - Golden Car Company (Mr Brown) art centre solo exhibition, Taipei
2009 May - Ketagalan Cultural Centre solo exhibition, Beitou, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 May - Restaurant 38 solo exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Feb - Dundas Street Gallery solo exhibition, Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2008 Nov - La Cantina Restaurant solo exhibition, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland
2008 Oct - Broughton Gallery mixed exhibition, Musselburgh, Scotland
2008 Sep - Jong-In Art Gallery, An-Ho Road, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Aug - Gladstone Gallery, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh, Scotland
2008 Mar - Luxus Hair Salon solo exhibition, Edinburgh, Scotland
2008 Mar - Just Scottish Gallery mixed exhibition, The Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland
2008 Feb - Dundas Street Gallery solo exhibition, Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Nov - Cafe Sala solo exhibition, Broughton Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Oct - Circus restaurant solo exhibition, Castle Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Sep - St Mary’s Cathedral gallery mixed exhibition, Leith Walk, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Aug - Cafe Camino solo exhibition, Little Leith Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Aug - Accessible Art mixed exhibition, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland
2006 Aug - Accessible Art mixed exhibition, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland
2005 Aug - Absolute Art, Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh, Scotland