Kulele Ruladen, born to Sandimen of Pingtung County in 1973 and graduating from National Taiwan University of Arts, inherited the formidable artistic energy amidst the majestic heaven and earth as well as the delicate craftsmanship of Paiwan. The rugged welding of metalwork appears to be intricately exquisite and light in his hands. He creates in variety, not limited to any theme or medium, such as mosaic beads painting, painting, sculpture, and handicrafts. Kulele Ruladen thus becomes one of the icons of the contemporary indigenous artists in Taiwan.
The art pieces of Kulele Ruladen are mostly derived from the humanistic care of the tribe and the fantastic realm in the ancient myths. A 3D sculpture is the culmination of the artist’s creativity. Combining art and practical aesthetic of crasftsmanship, it not only conveys the reflective attitude of the indigenous artists of the new generation, but also reveals the issues and concerns between the indigenous and the Hans. Bestowing new meanings upon the traditional culture, Kulele Ruladen sets himself in a unique positon among the contemporary indigenous artists with techniques beyond the stereotype toward his people.
►「 原住民族傳統文化與創新應用專案成果展」- 華山文創園區,台北
►「Sakahàn: International Indigenous Art」-National Gallery of Canada,Canada
►「那路很會彎 」-第三屆原住民藝術工作者駐村計畫聯展-高雄市立美術館,高雄
►「圖案,真奇妙 」-高雄市立兒童美術館,高雄
►「98年度原住民藝術工作者駐村計畫展覽 走出來的路」-高雄市立美術館,高雄
►「future face未來的臉」關於人臉的藝術與科技-高雄科工館,高雄